Botanical Name : Punica granatum Linn.
Family : Punicaceae
SANSKRIT :Dadima, Kharakam, Madhuramlaphalam, Kuchaphalam, Dandabeejam.
Origin: One of the important centers of wild pomegranate in Himachal Pradesh is Darlaghat, which is located about 50 km from Shimla. The word Darlaghat literally means a pass or place of wild pomegranate-trees in India
An erect deciduous spreading shrub or tree can be 8 to 10 meters high; stern, woody and thorny; girth of main stem, 48 to 78 cm; wood, very hard and light yellow; leaves shed in December, new light red leaves appear in the middle of March, new growth, very ornamental.
Fruit is globular, crowned by a persistent calyx, possessing a hard outer rind with a red tinge.
Seeds are angular, with a fleshy aril which constitutes the edible part.
Color varies from red to pinkish white.
Rasa : Madhura, Amla, Kashaya
Guna : Lakhu, Snigda
Virya : Ushna
Vipaka : Madhura
English : Pomegranate
Hindi : Anar, Dhalim
Malayalam : Mathalam,
Himachal Pradesh :Urumambazam
Spanish :Granada
French : Grenade
A large deciduous undershrub grows up to 10 meters. Bark greenish grey colored. Leaves are opposite, glabrous, pellucid-punctate, with smooth upper surface. Flowers are scarlet red or yellow, solitary or 2-4 together. Fruits globose, brownish red colored crowned by persistent calyx. Seeds are numerous covered with thick sweet testa, the edible part of the fruit.
Plant pacifies tridosha, tapeworm infestation, Increase digestive power; alleviate fatigue and thirst and aphrodisiac. The juice of fresh leaves and young Pomegranate is given in dysentery. The powdered bark is given for expelling roundworms. According to Kirtikar and Basu (1935) the unripe fruits and flowers are useful in inducing vomiting, the rind of the fruit is given in diarrhoea and dysentery. They also strengthen the gums. Ripe fruit is tonic, laxative and enriches the blood. Pomegranate is also useful in sore throat, sore eyes, brain diseases and chest troubles.
The juice of the fresh leaves and young fruit is useful in dysentery. The flower-buds are astringent, and are given in chronic diarrhoea and dysentery.
Pomegranate eliminates all the three excessive humors in the body and is beneficial in inflammation and fever. Sour pomegranate increases the appetite. Sweet pomegranate increases and strengthens the intelligence.
Pomegranate checks the bleeding of gum and cures indigestion.
Useful part : Bark, Fruit, Flower, Leaf.
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