Latin name : Tinospora cordifolia
Family :Menispermaceae
Local Name : Guduchi (Sanskrit), Amrita, Giloya (Hindi), Tinospora (English), Gulancha (Bengali), Shindil Kodi (Tamil)
Parts Used : Whole Plant
Distribution : This plant is found throughout tropical part of India.
Introduction : Guduchi is a famous plant of traditional use and also a powerful rasayana mentioned in Indian ayurvedic literature. It is considered as a bitter tonic and powerful immuno modulator. Guduchi is very much useful to enhance memory.
Plant Description : Guduchi is a perennial plant of weak and fleshy stem found throughout the India. The aerial roots that arises from the stem are tread like. The leaf is heart shaped and smooth. The flowers are yellowish in colour emerges in bunch in rainy season. The fruits of guduchi are pea like which are seen in winter in India.
Parts Used : Whole Plant
Distribution : This plant is found throughout tropical part of India.
Introduction : Guduchi is a famous plant of traditional use and also a powerful rasayana mentioned in Indian ayurvedic literature. It is considered as a bitter tonic and powerful immuno modulator. Guduchi is very much useful to enhance memory.
Plant Description : Guduchi is a perennial plant of weak and fleshy stem found throughout the India. The aerial roots that arises from the stem are tread like. The leaf is heart shaped and smooth. The flowers are yellowish in colour emerges in bunch in rainy season. The fruits of guduchi are pea like which are seen in winter in India.
A big climber (glabrous).Climbs on large trees.
Roots:-long thread like, aerial,arise from branches.
Bark Thin, greyish or creamy white in colour,When peeled fleshy stem is exposed.
Leaves:- Cordate(heart shaped), membranous,juicy.
Flowers:- Bloom during summer
Male flower:-Small,yellow or green coloured occur in clusters.
Female flower Occur singly.
Fruits:-Pea shaped,fleshy,shiny turn red when boiled.Occur in winter
Seeds:- curved,pea sized.
Flowers and fruits . .
Chemical constituents :alkaloid - Berberine and a glucosoid - Giloin
Ayurvedic Properties :
Guna :- Guru,Snighda
Rasa :- Tikta,Kashaya
Veerya :-Ushna
Vipaka :- Madhura
Karma :
Karma :
Tridoshahara(Balances vitiated Tridoshas)
Kushtaghna,Vedanastaapana(Cures skin diseases and relieves pain)
Jwaraghna(reduces fever),
Vrishya (aphrodesiac),
Rejuvenator(Rejuvenates body systems),
Uses :
Guduchi acts as a diuretic and found to be effective against Renal obstruction like calculi and other urinary disorders.
Guduchi acts as a memory booster, develops inteligence, promotes mental clarity. It is described as one of the Medhya Rasayana (mental rejuvenative) in the Charak Samhita (The oldest and most potent book of Ayurvedic Medicine).
Guduchi is regarded as a liver protector.
Guduchi is considered helpful in eye disorders as a tissue builder and promotes mental clarity.
The stem of guduchi is used in general debility, dyspepsia and urinary diseases.
Guduchi is anti-pyretic and act as a tonic after fever, also has action against alternative fever like Malaria.
Guduchi acts as a diuretic and found to be effective against Renal obstruction like calculi and other urinary disorders.
Guduchi acts as a memory booster, develops inteligence, promotes mental clarity. It is described as one of the Medhya Rasayana (mental rejuvenative) in the Charak Samhita (The oldest and most potent book of Ayurvedic Medicine).
Guduchi is regarded as a liver protector.
Guduchi is considered helpful in eye disorders as a tissue builder and promotes mental clarity.
The stem of guduchi is used in general debility, dyspepsia and urinary diseases.
Guduchi is anti-pyretic and act as a tonic after fever, also has action against alternative fever like Malaria.
It is Antiperiodic, Antipyretic, Alterative, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory. It is a contituent of several compound preparations. It is used in fever, urinary disorders, dyspepsia, general debility and urinary diseases. It is also used in treatment of rheumatism and jaundice.
Considered the best herb for clearing the microcirculatory system and other bodily channels (Shrotas). It is especially effective and unique in its ability to remove both exogenous and endogenous toxins (from external and internal sources). Therefore it is very often included in comprehensive Ayurvedic formulas, since such toxins interfere with all bodily functions and are a factor in almost all diseases. It clears out brain toxins that hinder mental activity.
Its principal constituents are tinosporine, tinosporide, tinosporaside, cordifolide, cordifol, heptacosanol, clerodane furano diterpene, diterpenoid furanolactone tinosporidine, columbin and b-sitosterol. The stem is used in dyspepsia, fevers and urinary diseases. The plant is used in Ayurvedic rasayanas to improve the immune system and the body's resistance to infections. The bitter principle present shows antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
Immunity protection: stem decoction for oral use. Giloya is helpful for counteracting infection and promoting resistance to illness.
Diabetes, urinary problems, early syphilis : The juice is taken in high quantities.
Skin Diseases: Taken with neem, haldi and amla, the medicine is very effective.
Gout : Oil given with and milk, decoction can also be given.
Considered the best herb for clearing the microcirculatory system and other bodily channels (Shrotas). It is especially effective and unique in its ability to remove both exogenous and endogenous toxins (from external and internal sources). Therefore it is very often included in comprehensive Ayurvedic formulas, since such toxins interfere with all bodily functions and are a factor in almost all diseases. It clears out brain toxins that hinder mental activity.
Its principal constituents are tinosporine, tinosporide, tinosporaside, cordifolide, cordifol, heptacosanol, clerodane furano diterpene, diterpenoid furanolactone tinosporidine, columbin and b-sitosterol. The stem is used in dyspepsia, fevers and urinary diseases. The plant is used in Ayurvedic rasayanas to improve the immune system and the body's resistance to infections. The bitter principle present shows antiperiodic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
Immunity protection: stem decoction for oral use. Giloya is helpful for counteracting infection and promoting resistance to illness.
Diabetes, urinary problems, early syphilis : The juice is taken in high quantities.
Skin Diseases: Taken with neem, haldi and amla, the medicine is very effective.
Gout : Oil given with and milk, decoction can also be given.
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