Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clerodendron inerme

Genus species: Clerodendron inerme
Family: Verbenaceae

English name: Glory Bower genus

Chamorro: Lodugao
Chuukese name: Ulo, Apuoch, Etiu, Pucherik
Kosraen name: Kwacwak
Pohnpeian name: Ilau
Yapese name: I'ruch

Growth form: shrub
Growth location: terrestrial
Growth environment: cultivated garden
Growth zone: Tropical

Height:12-15 ft. (3.6-4.7 m)

Propagation Methods:From softwood cuttings & semi-hardwood cuttings

Stem: Woody, smooth
Leaf arrangement: Simple, opposite
Stipule: Absent
Petioles: 0.5 to 1.0 cm long.
Leaf blade: Ovate to elliptical shape, 5 to 10 cm long, acute to acuminate tip, green, smooth slightly shiny upper surface, pinnate venation, margin is entire.
Inflorescence: Cyme or umbel usually comprised of three flowers joined at a common base point.
Flower: Rotationally symmetric, salverform, white--symmetry, sex, arrangement of male and female flowers if unisexual
Calyx: Green, fused and reduced to a cup-like structure surrounding the ovary.
Corolla: Fused white corolla with five lobes.
Stamens: Four reddish purple, upwardly curved stamens
Ovary: Ovary is inferior.
Pistil: A single redish purple, upwardly curved style, style splits into a two forked stigma.
Fruit: green to brown obovoid fruit, 1 to 1.5 cm long which splits into four one-seeded nutlets at maturity
Cultural usage: Leaves used for fever and cough, leaves are also used in conjunction with other plants leaves for ghost diseases.

1 comment:

Dana Lee Ling said...

You might provide a credit to Brigeen Perman who put together the information on this page and who also took the picture. A link to the original source would be nice too! http://www.comfsm.fm/~dleeling/botany/1998/vhp/geenilau.html